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Wild medicine walk in Wells as part of the Sustainable Wells Bioblitz day

Wild medicine walk

Experience herbs from a different perspective.


Fancy delving into the untamed corners of nature and finding out what treasures are hidden where we least expect them? Want to know how “unwanted weeds” like Burdock and Dandelion can become trusted companions and delicious and useful additions to our store cupboards?

Join medical herbalist, nutritionist and gut health specialist, Jo Webster, for an entertaining, insightful and informative herb walk on the wild edges of the beautiful city of Wells. Come and meet the herbs in their own environment and experience them through all of your senses.

This is an immersive event, where we will learn about the medicinal and edible herbs that are growing around us. We will explore how they support health and hear some of the folklore that surrounds them (and whether there is any truth to the stories!).

After the walk, we will return to Jo’s home to continue to experience some of the herbs we have met by sharing a herbal tea, as well as some tinctures and oxymels.

Come and find out just how magical nature really is and catch a glimpse of the veritable medicine chest that thrives all around us.

Terms & conditions apply





Saturday 23 July


10:00am - 1:00pm ish


Start at:
Double gates just up from
92 St Thomas Street
Wells BA5 2UZ

July 2

Gut health theory AND practice