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Our growing understanding of the influence of microbes on health has been described as the greatest scientific revolution since Darwin’s theory of evolution. We have never existed without microbes and we cannot function well without them.

Whilst they exist all over our body, the greatest concentration of bacteria, viruses, fungi and archea are to be found in our gut, particularly the large intestine. Via our gut lining, our immune system, our nervous system, our hormones and through gene expression, our resident microbes are influencing who and how we are.

Microbes and health


As we have evolved, we have outsourced various functions to our microbes. They digest fibre for us, produce short chain fatty acids that nourish our gut lining and act as signalling molecules. They produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, glutamate and GABA, numerous vitamins including vitamin B12 and vitamin K and they produce more than 1600 different enzymes. They are influencing us at every level, both directly and via the chemicals they produce.

Gut microbiota dysfunction has been associated with an extensive list of illnesses including asthma, autism, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, coeliac disease, cardiovascular disease, eczema, psoriasis and cancer. It is safe to assume that gut health is involved in most health issues. The exciting prospect though, is that unlike our genes, our gut microbiota are to some extent malleable; we can alter them and the chemicals they produce, thereby altering their influence on our health.

And the key factors that affect our gut microbiota include stress, diet, exercise, sleep and contact with nature. This developing area holds huge potential, but it is important not to overstate what we know at this stage. A lot of claims are being made about commercial products and this should make us wary. This is a relatively new and extremely complex area with so many influencing factors at play. I take care to respect this fact in my approach to supporting gut health.


Microbial magic


I am endlessly fascinated by this enormous topic and I have gathered the various articles I have written here in case some of them interest you.



Events: nutrition, herbs and microbes


The events I run are educational and entertaining. They mix theory and hands-on practice with delicious food, herbal teas and fermented drinks that illustrate what is possible. You will not only learn from me, but from one another too. And I will learn from you. The particular focus of each event differs, but I bring my irrepressible enthusiasm for food, herbs and microbes to them all.



Microbial output


Here, I have gathered the resources I have found both fascinating and useful in the hope that you might also find them fascinating and useful. We need to make use of this collective wisdom now more than ever.



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